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Fashion Seattle Kilt

Fashion Seattle Kilt

Regular price $123.00 CAD
Regular price $137.00 CAD Sale price $123.00 CAD
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The Fashion Seattle Kilt is a unique and stylish piece of clothing designed for outdoor movements and events. Made of 100% cotton, it's durable and breathable. The black color with purple stripes adds boldness and elegance, while chains provide an edgy and modern feel.

Key features include its crazy and innovative construction, offering a refreshing change from traditional kilts. The Custom Seattle Kilt, with purple stripes and chains, is particularly attractive and unique. Flapped pockets on both sides provide ample space for small items, securely closed with buttons. The kilt is practical and perfect for individuals who want to stand out.

Comfort is ensured with its breathable and lightweight 100% cotton fabric, ideal for warm weather and physical activities. Its versatility allows it to be worn for festivals, concerts, outdoor events, and even weddings. The kilt is a great way to express individuality and make a fashion statement, while still embracing tradition.

To care for the Utility Kilt Seattle, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Wash it in cold water without bleach or fabric softener, hang it up to dry, and iron it on a low setting. Proper care will ensure its longevity and vibrant colors.

Overall, the Utility Kilt Seattle combines practicality, versatility, and style. It offers a modern twist on a classic garment, allowing individuals to showcase their personality and unique style while still honoring Scottish heritage. Whether for outdoor activities or formal events, it's sure to make a lasting impression.

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